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Find the PDF-file of the Declaration of Performance (DoP) that you need and download the file.

Simply read the DoP number from the CE marking and enter in the search box above. You can also filter by language. Searching by product name is also possible.

Database on this website

This website contains a database of the Declarations of Performance (DoP) in PDF format from a large number of building products that have a CE marking.

The DoP files are available in the languages that are relevant for that particular building product. In case of a revision of the DoP, all versions (actual and former) are to be found in the database.

European Regulation

As of 1 July 2013, all construction products that are produced and labelled with the CE marking must comply with European Regulation EU No. 305/2011 (CPR).

This CPR involves that for each CE marked product a ‘Declaration of Performance’ must be provided in electronic form.